Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Green without Spending Green

We have this mistaken idea that to go green, we have to spend green dollars. Well, actually, you do not need to strain your budget just to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. In fact, you will be fattening up your wallets with these tips on going green without spending your green dollars. And trust us, these ways are easy, effective and convenient.

Reduce Food Waste

Your grocery bill may constitute more than 50 percent of your total household bills. Thus, any and all efforts to reduce food waste will add up to big benefits to your pockets and to the environment for many reasons. You can achieve this end by:

* Reducing your food consumption in terms of shopping for groceries.
* Using leftovers for new dishes and enforcing a no-dregs policy
* Planning meals in advance to avoid too many leftovers

Use Heaters Wisely

We are so dependent on hot water for many of our needs from washing our bodies to washing our dishes and clothes. Well, go green by choosing cold water for many activities in the house. Start by taking cold showers when the weather permits instead of hot tub baths. Then progress into using unheated tap water for washing your hands, dishes and clothes. Studies have shown that tap water is just as effective in killing germs as hot water. The trick is in washing your hands properly for 20 seconds, soaking the clothes for 30 minutes to remove stubborn dirt and washing off the dregs on the eating utensils before placing on a full dishwasher.

Unplug the Appliances

You can save as much as 10-15 percent of your electricity bill simply by unplugging the cords from their sockets when these are not in use. This is because so-called phantom electricity does not flow from the grid into your appliances. And speaking of appliances, you can save money by either buying ones with the Energy Star logo or ones that have been refurbished. Of course, make sure that the refurbished appliances are also energy-efficient. You ought to save money in the long run instead of sticking to your run-down appliances. However, do recycle said old appliances with the manufacturers or with the recycling centers.

Use Recycled Materials for Your Home

As much as possible, use recycled materials for your home. You can purchase scrap lumber from hardware stores, vintage wood and glass panels from garage sales and old houses, utensils and ornaments made of recycled materials from green stores and sites, to name a few options. You will often spend less on these items and yet get as much mileage as you possibly can from them. Better yet, you should adopt the motto of environmentalists everywhere - reduce, reuse and recycle. You will soon find that indeed being eco-friendly has its rewards for you and for your children's children.

Starting today, take a look around your home and see what else needs to be done to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Read about ways to start going green in the kitchen and more about the different ways to recycle.

Data Center Colocation

Complete control over your web hosting provision!

Each data center has full power backup in case of an outage. Generators, in combination with UPS systems, guarantee maximum availability. Industry-leading Service Level Agreements (SLA) define the level of guaranteed availability, ranging from 99.9% to 99.999%. The configuration of the electrical connection for a client’s equipment depends on his specific requirements.

Data centre collocation industry offers comprehensive approach to information technology, enables businesses to focus on increasing revenue and profit, not managing technology. One can benefit from this experience and gain direct access to the most reliable, widely deployed networks in the world.

A client’s server will be in good hands with collocation services. Take benefit of such services from our years of experience and quality non stop support. Gain direct access to the most reliable, widely deployed networks in the world. Such data centre eliminates the need for expensive equipment such as generators and UPS's as these are all included in the standard service charge. For the highest availability colocation services you can compare online and choose the right place. Data centre team of professionals offers you fully managed support services including OS installation and configuration to something as simple as a server reboot. With a round the clock on site staff of highly trained engineers and support staff, client’s servers will be backed by the best in server collocation professional services.

Colocation services are available via some web hosts through the use of their private cages, or you can pay a data centre directly to have your server located in a cage which is run by the data centre itself. Other equipment such as networking equipment and storage equipment can also be colocated within server racks. Colocation hosting has many advantages above ordinary dedicated server hosting, such as the fact that most data centres provide a ‘remote hands’ service if your server needs a task doing such as an OS reinstall which can only be done from the console; also, the connectivity that your equipment receives will probably be better than that you would receive on a dedicated server, the reason being that your equipment is surrounded by your own equipment meaning that you don’t have any other customers around you that could be a burden on your connection speed.

Data Colocation network is wired in a redundant, meshed configuration for maximum uptime. In the event of a failure in any one device the redundant hot-spare takes over automatically within seconds. Not that our equipment is liable to failure in the first place, with redundant PSU's, processing engines and blades.
In practice, this means your own server is installed in a rack in one of the data collocation centre, taking advantage of our bandwidth and network resilience to connect to the Internet.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The World of Online Nursing

The world of online nursing can be a wonderful, yet frightening experience to anyone who has not taken an online class or who has limited computer skills. In an online nursing program, people are expected to read assignments and complete projects online. This may mean a person will need to know more about their computer before enrolling in an online program. Be sure that basic skills like opening documents, saving files, and downloading images and text area able to be completed. These are skills that any person would need when trying to pull information off the computer.

Once a person is comfortable with their computer, they can choose a nursing program that will suit their needs. The world of online nursing is expanding. With so many people in need of quality care, a nurse should not have any problem finding a job or moving up in their career. There are many jobs that require a bachelor’s or master’s degree in nursing. Obtaining this type of degree online is a great way to learn many new skills, improve computer skills, and discover new techniques and procedures. This is especially necessary for those who have not gone back to school in a long time. Medical advances are rapidly changing the face of nursing.

After a few weeks, the world of online nursing will become familiar. Turning in assignments, taking tests, and getting grades will seem routine. Many online programs are only one or two year programs. This means in a short amount of time, a person could be working in a new career they can be proud of. Upon completion, a person will receive a diploma that is similar to one given at a university. With this diploma, a nurse now has many options. The online classes have hopefully given them the foundation they will need to succeed in any area of nursing. Overcoming one’s fears and taking classes over the internet will help a person feel more confident and in control of their lives.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

iPod/iTunes: Under Attack from Hackers

Apple's iTunes/iPod is a closed business model, built on two essential premises. One is that songs bought from iTunes will only play on iPod players. The second premise is that songs purchased from other music download sites will not play on iPods.

Now Apple's business model is under attack - by 26-year-old hacker Jon Johansen. Johansen, of Norway, has decoded iPod's Digital Rights Management (DRM) encryption, known as FairPlay, according to reputable sources.

Johansen is making his hack available - for a licensing fee - to businesses seeking to sell hardware competing with iPod, and download sites competing with iTunes.

Note that Johansen's hack does not remove DRM from downloaded songs. It actually adds DRM, to trick iPods into thinking that a given song has been purchased via iTunes.

If this hack takes off, will the closed business model fall apart?

Hardly. Johansen's decision to market his hack through licensing agreements means that your average teen music-lover is not suddenly going to find his music collection iPod-compatible. Instead, she will have more choices of legal music sites, to download songs that will be iPod-playable.

The effect of this may be to lower the industry-standard pricetag of $.99 per song. Apple could face real competition from other sites that can now sell legal music to load into those insatiable iPod hard drives.

Something to consider for Microsoft Zune... if the hack was figured out for iPod, can a Zune hack be far behind?

[Harvey Chute is webmaster of, a Microsoft Zune resource center that provides one-stop for all things Zune, including Zune specifications, documentation, comparisons to iPod, FAQ, user forum, and a blog providing analysis and commentary on Zune news.

Bestel iTunes Gift Card.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Google Best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Practices - Part 4

The four part of this article will concentrate on the link areas of the off-page optimization for Google. I will review 5 essential link areas.

Reciprocal linking does not have the effect it used to.
If you are asking for links right now, stop sending automated link requests. Instead, focus on getting natural links from related sites by using “link bait”, in other words, content that is worth linking to because of its value. When offered a link from partners, make sure their page doesn’t have more than 100 links already in it, look for 20 links max when possible, and also that their site is related to the theme of yours. At last, check that you are getting traffic from the link, or drop it.

“Article swap” and “article partitioning”.
Engage in “article swap” with link partners, and break articles in parts to create a series of them for your visitors to follow (partitioning). Include comments when applicable in all articles (in a different color to distinguish, hint: blue) since it gives visitors great commented content and overcomes duplicate content penalties.

Your internal linking structure.
You want PageRank to be passed to your traffic pages, so avoid absolute links to “About Us”, “Privacy Policy”, etc. Here the have a good combination of absolute and relative links is a must. Use absolute links within your content areas, not in you navigation. The PageRank score is directly affected by this. The “run of site links” filter includes internal pages now, so keep this in mind. Also make sure you have a relative link to your home page from every page. You should link to directories or portals that are authoritative as far as your external links. Always use your targeted keyword phrase for the anchor text. It is also wise to vary your anchor text when linking to your internal pages, and it always should match your unique phrase.

A few more words on PageRank.
Any PageRank of less than 4 is not counted by the algo. That explains why Google shows much less back links for any domain than other search engines. You need to gain good incoming related links, not just any links. Again, the “less is more” concept could be applied here as well. Few good quality links always out weight lots of low quality unrelated links from other sites. Outgoing links are viewed from a different angle, and are related to “the theme” of your site. There is an optimal ratio between the quality vs. the quantity in links. You need to get as many links from pages with a high PageRank and a low number of total links in them.

Your link campaign goals.
Set yourself some achievable goals when it comes to links. Be realistic, and try to get one link exchange, article swap, directory submission, forum comment, etc. per day. Verify quality of all links, and use the “no follow” link attribute or directly remove all links from any site with 100 or more links on their page that is not an authority site.

Bourne SEO offers Web Design in Sussex and other services.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Debt Relief From Many Small Debts

It's important that you know the amount of debt that you have taken small loans and debts can add up to a sizable lot. For example if you have taken 5 $100 loans, it amounts to $500 debt. A sizable amount of loan to repay for many people. Not only does the principal have to be paid but also the interest payments.

Assuming that loans are carrying a 10% interest, you would be making a $50 per month interest payment. This means that you would be making $600 in interest payments only. Therefore the interest payments and the principal work out to be $1100. Thus the cumulative effect is much more than just the single $100 debts that you would have taken. When you want to get out of debt this debt relief will ensure that you can have a sound financial future. The same applies for all the loans whether they are mortgage, car loans, business loans or education loans. One must shop around for rates and the period of the loan. This will help you to lower the debt burden.

Of course interest payments is tax deductible, but they need to be made out of your income. Therefore the lending agency requires a revenue model or you're past bank statements. They also require your credit rating. Lending agencies have access to the credit ratings of all individuals, hence they can see whether any debt has been paid pack or you have taken any relief from debt or not. This will prove to them whether you are good investment for them or not.

You must also ensure that you have a good revenue stream in order to pay back the loan installments. Take an investment to leverage the debt that you may have taken. This will also provide you with debt relief.

Whatever steps you decide totake, take them now and relive your debt asap.

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

A Guide To Hypnosis

There are many stories about hypnosis and hypnotherapy being dangerous, turning people into chickens, people not being able to wake up, and unscrupulous hypnotists exploiting their 'vulnerable' patients. However there are many people who are adamant that it has helped change their lives, helping them succeed in their goals. Millions of people swear that it has helped them with many issues such as weight loss, quitting smoking, other addictions, confidence, phobias, stress, success, IBS, and many more issues.

Many people are missing out on this powerful yet safe therapeutic tool because they are too afraid to use it. I hope to dispel these fears by answering these common questions about hypnotherapy.

Can I be hypnotized? Most people can go into a hypnotic trance. The only types of people that cannot be hypnotised are ... 1. Those suffering from psychosis or a thought disorder 2. A person with a low IQ 3. A person does not want to be hypnotised. It is very easy to resist hypnosis if you want to. What is a hypnotic trance? It is a normal and natural state that most of us experience several times a day. It commonly happens when people are driving. Have you ever driven somewhere and not really remembered the journey? It also often occurs when reading a book or watching TV. Sometimes you can be so absorbed in the book or TV programme that you are not consciously aware that someone is talking to you. Hypnosis is the focussing of the conscious attention in such a narrow corridor of influence. The conscious mind is so intensely focussed that other influences are not being critically analysed by the conscious mind. We still hear them, although we are not always aware. A good example of this is when you are in a place where there are several conversations going on at once. They may all sound like a mass of background noise. However if someone in one of those conversations mentions your name, you then consciously focus on that conversation. How did you know someone said your name? Your subconscious mind (which is far more powerful than your conscious mind) was listening to EVERY conversation AT THE SAME TIME! That is perhaps a reason why you can sometimes "just know" something. Your subconscious mind has absorbed it without you consciously being aware.

What does hypnosis feel like? When in a trance you feel more mentally and physically relaxed. It is a very pleasant experience, and you can tell that you are still in control. You can still hear exactly what is going on around you, unless you choose to drift your attention away. You become aware that you can easily stand up, talk, or move whenever you want. A lot of people (me included) when they first experience a hypnotic trance move their fingers or hands in order to test whether they can move at will. Sometimes a patient can be a little difficult to wake up. This is not a sinister thing as it has been portrayed. No one has ever been stuck in trance. It is more a case that a patient just "can't be bothered" to wake up as it feels so pleasant. However they soon become bored and will wake up pretty soon. One trick the old hypnosis pro's use is to tell the patient that they are charging for the time. It's amazing how quickly they then wake up!

Is hypnosis dangerous? A hypnotic trance is actually a very natural state that almost everyone goes into several times per day. In 1955 the British Medical Association set up an inquiry which favourably reported hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. It even recommended that it should be taught at medical schools. Hypnosis was also approved by the Council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association in September of 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects. Since then there has been acceleration in the establishment of hypnosis societies for doctors, dentists, and psychologists. No one has been seriously hurt with hypnosis.

Can I be made to do things against my will? You could never be made to do anything against your will or contrary to your value system. If this was actually possible, would there not be criminals learning the art of hypnotherapy in order to hypnotise their bank managers to opening the vaults and handing over a large sum of cash?! In a trance, you would not unknowingly reveal your deepest secrets. You can even lie when in a trance, which is one reason why testimony in hypnosis is not permissible evidence in a court of law. It is only used by police to help with the investigation. A person will only act upon suggestions that serve them in some way or reinforce an expected behaviour, anything else their subconscious will just ignore. Most people develop these misperceptions from seeing or hearing about a Stage Hypnosis show. However they largely achieve their results from showmanship, selection of the more extrovert people, and peer pressure.

How long will it take before I notice a change? In one session, you can expect to become more relaxed than you are right now. Most people do not relax enough, and some people never seem to relax! Being more relaxed can help most mental and physical problems that you may have. I have often had patients report back to me that people noticed that they seemed more relaxed after just one session. In the past I have significantly helped problems such as IBS, skin complaints, and addictions, simply by doing relaxation work. Hypnosis can bridge the gap between your head and your heart, making your goals much more emotionally compelling, and therefore increasing your chances of permanent change. Depending upon the intensity of your session and the number of times you have listened to the recording, you will notice suggestions for the desired behavioural changes spontaneously popping into your conscious mind almost immediately.

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